Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Future

I've just made the first steps in code to lay the foundations for the future of this project, which makes this a good time to announce it.

As some who came here from /d/ may recall, and as my introductory post here mentions, this is actually my second crack at a game in Twine. My first was a post-apocalyptic slave management and warband management game, with the eroticism and warlordism being more or less balanced in terms of content. (I'm calling it Wasteland as a project name; it needs a better one.) It quickly became apparent that I needed to aim lower or fail, so I aimed lower, and Free Cities is the result.

Free Cities playtesters who read the more descriptive passages closely may have noticed strong hints that the world outside the player's arcology in Free Cities is going to hell. I will now confirm what several anons have suspected: Free Cities, in addition to being a sequel of sorts to the present, is indeed a prequel to Wasteland.

It's my intention that there will eventually be a “continue this game in Wasteland” option in Free Cities. When it is selected, the final collapse will begin. The lights will grow dim, never to burn bright again. And the player, along with his slaves and those free men wise enough to follow him, will leave his crumbling arcology in its collapsing Free City and strike out across the sand.