Friday, October 9, 2015

ALPHA v. 0.3.02

Thanks to everyone who reported bugs over the past few days; I have not maintained my usual approach of replying to almost everyone, but rest assured your reports have been read. I've done some code work on old stuff, so past playtesters may notice some things behaving a little differently.

I have a major decision to make before the next update, and I'd appreciate input. Do you like the sexual history the game is now tracking for each slave? Since it adds code to every scene, it does eat up a fair amount of time. If players appreciate it, it will be kept; if not, it isn't worth the resources. Let me know. (Further bug reports on the sexual history system can wait until after I've made a final call about keeping it.) The improvements to the history tracking in this patch are largely thanks to the ever-diligent Boney M.

Also, I would appreciate UI input. I'd be interested in any comments you have, but specifically I'd like to know how you use the long form slave description in each slave's individual menu. It's getting pretty long. Do you play with it closed most of the time? Would you like options to prune it, e.g. to toggle parts of the description?

Download: MegaPrevious saves are not compatible. If the refugee event repeats, ensure you have a .html downloaded after 19:00 PST.
Tip jar: Patreon.

0.3.02 Changelog:
  • Eyes and contacts to change their apparent color.
  • Brands in seven different patterns for five different locations.
  • Several new events.
  • Improved sexual history tracking; more accurate, and now tracks penetrative and mammary intercourse.
  • The unlimited mini-scenes now have a small chance to impact a slave's mental state. Since this can be used as an exploit with persistence it is disabled in hard mode.
  • The game now tracks and describes how many weeks a slave has been with the PC.
  • Improved slave generation system that should produce fewer absurd results.
  • Bugfixes.