Friday, November 13, 2015

ALPHA 0.4.4

There have been sporadic requests for national backgrounds, and this update adds them. The slave market in FC is international, so you'll only see an increase in the likelihood of slaves on the market from the continent you choose, rather than exclusivity. Slave names are now based on nationality, and there are now around 1,500 possible names. Naturally, I've only been able to add the larger countries so far, so I mean no offense if yours isn't represented. Yes, I know that "Middle Eastern" isn't really a race; no, I'm not going to program a highly accurate ethnicity simulator. The ethnic and nationality code is highly imperfect, so getting worked up about it at this point isn't going to help much. On that note, I will be curating the comments here with an iron hand. I will not delete comments I merely disagree with; I will delete comments that veer off topic. This blog is about the game: if you want to discuss race in the game, great; if you want to discuss race, go to /pol/.

If you want to see a specific country in the game, here's how you can speed that process up. Comment with the country you'd like added, and the 20-50 top female names for that country, formatted like so: "Annisa", "Sarah", "Maria". If said country's population is split between major supernational ethnic groups (caucasian/black, for example, rather than Pashtun/Tajik), give me the breakdown.

This update also adds slave prestige. This is intended as a rare, very special thing; think enslaved celebrity level prestige. A prestigious slave is extremely expensive, will attract more attention in jobs that let her do so, and even gives the player character a steady reputation boost simply by being his slave. Credit is due to Anon in the On being evil post for this excellent idea. There is a Credits screen in the encyclopedia. If the Anon whose idea that was wants credit there under a handle, let me know. The same goes for any regular contributors whose earlier ideas made it into the game; let me know in the comments or via email.

Regarding feedback, thanks to everyone who takes the time to leave comments, suggestions, and bug reports. I'd like to make two observations. First, you may re-encounter  bugs you've already reported. I read and try to address all bug reports, but my fixes don't always work, and bugs can often conceal other bugs that don't become visible until the first bug is fixed. Second, please do not submit bug reports when you're playing an old version. Many bugs reported on 0.4.3 were due to old saves. I'm not joking when I note that previous saves won't work. It takes time to track down bugs, and finding that it happened because a 0.4.2 save was opened in 0.4.3 doesn't help me improve the game.

If you've got a unique slave you'd like to see in game, don't forget to submit her here using the easy to use in game upload system.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work. If you have not started a new game with a fresh 0.4.4 download, please do not report bugs. Latest hotfix at 19:00 PST.
Tip jar: Patreon.

0.4.4 Changelog:
  • New starting continent, Australia, by request.
  • Nationalities, with 35 nationalities currently in game, including the 20 largest countries by population as of 2015 and 15 more to fill out each continent.
  • Nationality-based nicknames, at least one for each nationality.
  • Arab racial group renamed to Middle Eastern, for simplicity of coding.
  • Slave prestige, which enormously increases price, slightly improves effectiveness in public jobs, and gives a constant reputation boost.
  • Two new random events that give the chance to add basic prestige to a veteran slave.
  • New slave dealer that offers one prestigious slave for auction each week.
  • Option to darken skin.
  • Corsets now only damage health for slaves with normal waists, so they can be left on indefinitely without danger.
  • Fertile losers in slave fights can get pregnant if the winner is appropriately equipped.
  • Implanted lactation drugs now cause gradual breast growth.
  • More hardcoded slaves.
  • Bugfixes.