Saturday, November 28, 2015

ALPHA 0.4.9

I enjoy Blogger's traffic tracking functions, which direct me back to comments about FC on forums when they lead to people coming here. Easily my favorites are the ones that tend to end with something like “but it's so dark! You can be so mean!” Non-consensual sex and physical and mental abuse are absolutely endemic to h-games. Many games depict places where harsh content is implausibly absent, such as comically cheerful brothels. Where present, harsh content is usually presented in a light style and with some sort of overwrought excuse, and somehow that seems to stop a lot of people from realizing what their character is really doing. (Credit to Jack o Nine Tails and Whoremaster for being relatively honest with the player about being a jerk.) FC doesn't sugarcoat the PC's behavior - which, outside of a couple of options, isn't too different from what you find in Slavemaker et. al. - and that's provoked some response, including insightful comments here. I like it.

Another common criticism is that the sexual content is minimalist. I agree completely; it's a stylistic choice I made back when the game was meant as a purely private exercise no one else would ever see. My experience with the seminal text-based h-games is that I get very little from a 500 word sex scene: for me, the setup is what matters, and once the setup is in place, I can see the event in my mind's eye in far better detail than text or even an image could ever do. When I'm confronted with a wall of text describing the squishy mechanics of sex in great detail I usually skim it, at best. This terse approach has become immutably fixed, since it's allowed me to give each slave (as of this update) 119 distinct stats. Writing a single 500 word scene that properly reflected any eligible slave would probably involve at least half of those, and would take at least a week to complete.

This update includes unusually intrusive changes to game flow. It's likely there are uncaught bugs that will produce bad results such as events failing to fire. On that note, the hormone updates caused many descriptions to mention dicks that aren't there. Please report any I've failed to catch. And, as usual, thanks to everyone who's playtesting; I read everyone's feedback and do my best to address all reported bugs (with varied success).

I've gotten the impression that massive cows have been a crutch for many players. No longer: lactation appears several times in the changelog below. The cumulative effect of all the changes will hit artificially lactating slaves with very large breasts most heavily. The effect on more normal slaves will be less pronounced.

If you've got a unique slave you'd like to see in game, don't forget to submit her here using the easy to use in game upload system.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work. If you have not started a new game with a fresh 0.4.9 download, please do not report bugs.

0.4.9 Changelog

Major additions:
  • A new recruiter position from which a good slave can try to convince desperate people from the old world to volunteer for enslavement. Various vulnerable populations can be targeted; each will produce different recruits and unique induction options, many of which are somewhat mean. Each vulnerable population is best targeted by a recruiter with certain attributes. Successfully matching recruiters to targets for a recruitment speed bonus will be called out with special text in the week report.
  • A full costs report, accessible from the sidebar, that breaks down every single item contributing to upkeep on a slave by slave basis.
  • Major changes to the subordinate slave assignment, including the frequently requested option to specify which slave will receive the subordinate's attentions. Subordination can advance or reduce relationships and rivalries depending on the slaves' mental states.
  • Cosmetic surgery for older slaves to make them appear younger. The surgical assistant is quite aggressive about applying this since, like facial surgery, there is little mechanical downside.
  • Added a custom label field, available from the custom descriptors menu. Custom labels have no mechanical functionality yet, but can be used for planning since they appear in bold yellow wherever a slave is described, including on the main menu.
Minor updates:
  • Two new varieties of shoes.
  • Many new nationalities, including slaves from Chile, Belgium, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Hungary, Estonia, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Malaysia, Guatemala, and Ghana.
  • The rivals who can be enslaved at the end of the nonrandom event tree now appear in several varieties for each content option.
  • Everything that affects slaves in facilities now affects facility leaders as well.
  • Slaves in facilities, including facility leaders, will now receive hormonal effects.
  • Reduced health impact of some sex work.
  • Severely reduced, but not eliminated, the milk production advantage of induced lactation.
  • Slightly reduced overall milk production.
  • Replaced previous effects of gender on milk production with hormonal modifiers that consider both natural and artificial hormones.
  • New hardcoded slaves for a total of 150 in game.
  • Bugfixes.