Tuesday, December 22, 2015

ALPHA 0.5.4: "A New Rome"

I rarely miss an opportunity to set myself up to bring something in early and under-budget by announcing a later date than I think I can make, so here's 0.5.4. After four hours of playtesting I hope this one is less broken than 0.5.3. I'd like to thank everyone who's been helping me by leaving bug reports and feedback. Since you all seem to have a high tolerance for bugs, I've been taking some of the time that could go to thorough internal debugging and writing content with it instead, since I can rely on you to backstop me. FC has a lot more content than it would if I felt it necessary to dump more hours into testing before each update.

This update adds five requested clothing options. I am quite aware that the kimonos and hijabs miss a lot of cultural nuance. Hijab is used in FC in the broad sense, not to refer to any specific garment (it literally means covering, nothing more). I understand that kimonos, particularly the types of obi (the sash part), can have all sorts of meanings. I am not sufficiently motivated to do the necessary research to figure out the differences between traditional kimonos whores and Head Girls should wear, but if someone feels like posting the basics or emailing me a rundown, I'll add them.

The event options in this update range from decently kind all the way down to terribly cruel. One thing I'm trying to avoid is misleading the player about which options are which. If you make a choice in an event and you're unpleasantly surprised by what happens, that's bad; let me know so I can make the choice descriptions more accurate.

Feedback request: If you see the placeholder event that is displayed when a slave isn't eligible for any other individual event, use the slave upload function to post her stats here. Doing so will show me what types of slaves still need events written for them. It would be useful if you could append her assignment at the time, too.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work. If you have not started a new game with a fresh download, please do not report bugs. Latest hotfix at 19:00 PST. Hotfixed issues include misapplied future society bonuses, clothing description problems, bad weight description code, and a bad event title.

0.5.4 Changelog

Major additions:
  • New society model, Transformation Fetishism: mutually exclusive with Body Purism; bonuses for slaves with implants.
  • New society model, Slimness Enthusiasm: mutually exclusive with Asset Expansionism; bonuses for slaves with girlish figures.
  • New society model, Roman Revivalism: advanced by good leadership and pit fights; enhances prosperity and will drive down the market price of slaves. Just because I was feeling self-indulgent.
  • Many society models now not only enhance related bonuses, but reduce or remove bonuses to which they are logically opposed, e.g. Asset Expansionist arcologies stop appreciating slim slaves.
  • Broadened the weight range to create three weights the game considers attractive. Average weight is still best for combat, while the highest attractive weight is a disqualification for girlish figure.
  • New events to cover slaves not previously eligible for any individual event, including events for devoted anal virgins, disobedient slaves with balls, newly devoted slaves, severe addicts, masturbating nymphomaniacs, and obedient idiots.
Minor updates:
  • Two minor arcology upgrades: a warm pool that improves the rest assignment, and a diet sensor suite for the kitchen that improves dietary efficiency.
  • The Rules Assistant can now be set to fire every time the main menu is displayed.
  • New Rules Assistant diet options to support the new range of attractive weights.
  • Rules Assistant musculature options, which it will automatically start applying only after the desired weight is achieved.
  • Now possible to order custom slaves with specified intelligence and education.
  • Five new clothing options: schoolgirl, nurse, BDUs, kimono, and hijab.
  • New surgical option to give a slave sharp teeth; both this and the preexisting dental option can now also be reversed to normal dentition.
  • New surgical option to tighten loosened orifices with micro-surgical rejuvenation. With the surgery upgrade virginity restoration becomes possible.
  • Surgery on unhealthy slaves now has a chance of being lethal.
  • Conservative suits, maid outfits, and the new kimonos are now considered respectable enough to avoid offending religious sensibilities; hijabs appeal to them.
  • Added a milk production bonus for slaves at the highest attractive weight and above, and a production penalty for slaves at the lowest attractive weight and below.
  • Four new acquisition events for the new society models.
  • Obedient slaves choosing their own clothing will obey societal preferences on clothing if any are present.
  • Lactation-inducing drug implants will increase breast size at an increased rate for slaves below a D-cup, at a reduced rate for slaves above an H-cup, and not at all above an N-cup.
  • Bugfixes.