Tuesday, January 5, 2016

ALPHA 0.5.9: "Land of the Pharaohs"

These changelogs rarely include all the little balance changes and bugfixes I constantly make. However, there were two bugs in 0.5.8 that could really affect how the game played, so I'll note them for optimizers' benefit. First, concubines were bugged to be almost totally ineffective. They are now working as intended, and it's very useful to have a pretty one. Second, age lifts were being counted twice in beauty calculations, so older ladies were getting an unintended boost.

As before, any regularly contributing playtesters should let me know in the comments if I can give the proper credit for their efforts in the credits.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work. If you have not started a new game with a fresh download, please do not report bugs. Last hotfix at 18:50 PST; fixed problems include a brothel customization display issue, misspellings, and some rules assistant issues (RA may remain troublesome). Hotfix is save compatible.

0.5.9 Changelog

Major additions:

  • New future society, Ancient Egyptian Revivalism, which is mutually exclusive with Roman Revivalism. It is advanced by and improves reputation when owning a large variety of races, keeping many slaves in your Master Suite, and having slaves in incestuous relationships; and it enhances the bonus slaves receive for prostitution and public service with relatives.
  • Future society specific cosmetic arcology upgrades. To give these upgrades a gameplay impact, future society adoption is periodically gated by purchase of the next cosmetic improvement.
  • Many new clothing options, including future society specific options that are only available after a society model is partially adopted. Paternalism unlocks conservative clothing, Degradationism unlocks chains, Pastoralism unlocks Western clothing, Physical Idealism unlocks body oil, and Roman Revivalism unlocks the toga. Ancient Egyptian Revivalism unlocks a special golden collar. Slaves allowed to choose their own clothes will prefer these options. Added one vanilla clothing option, a slutty quipao.
New events:
  • Individual event for whores who've had a rough day.
  • Individual event for slaves allowed to have an opinion about what drugs they want.
  • Individual event for older slaves with age lifts who could use a nice day off.
Minor updates:
  • Increased reputation decay to compensate for the recently added reputation sources, but increased the floor at which it starts.
  • Dilemma events involving a slave now permit the player to pay to keep both parties happy, and receive the slave.
  • With either Roman or ancient Egyptian revivalism active, slaves may be renamed to a random name from that culture.
  • Prestigious concubines and sexually veteran concubines now grant an extra reputation bonus.
  • Lip reduction and tendon restoration surgeries.
  • Slaves allowed to choose their own clothes will now select their own shoes, too.
  • Increased likelihood of clit growth from all sources, and made it possible though unlikely for slaves with ovaries on strong male hormones to see clit growth.
  • Bugfixes.