This update includes a couple of fairly invasive changes to the way players are able to control slaves' sex lives. I (obviously) think they're changes for the better, but as with all such changes I'm sure there will be dissenters. This area is going to see a lot more work, however, so if you're not satisfied with your control over when, who and how your slaves fuck in this version, be aware that I'm actively working on it.
On the subject of changes that may prove controversial, I've removed the upfront health penalties of the more powerful drugs and replaced them with a hidden stat that tracks the long-term damage done to a slave's body by drugs powerful enough to accelerate healing or cause rapid breast growth. In the short term, this makes drugs much more effective, since they have no upfront health cost. In the long term, however, players who make heavy use of growth hormones and the like will start to see minor, transitory conditions appear in slaves: headaches, heart arrhythmias, night terrors, that sort of thing. They're not mechanically different from the health penalties they replace, since their only impact is to chip away at health. But for slaves who spend most of the game on drugs, and especially if they're older, these will become common.
From a strictly mechanical perspective, this change probably makes the game easier, since these effects take a while to appear and rarely subtract more health than drugs used to. But I'm fine with that, because it's interesting. As I've mentioned before, I'll take interesting over mechanically balanced every time. If the game confronts players with an easier path whose price is the tiniest sliver of one's soul, so much the better. I actually considered and rejected this particular idea earlier in development. I've gotten enough feedback since then from players who seem to enjoy these facets of the game, however, that I decided to implement it after all.
As always, thanks to everyone who took the time to report bugs in 0.6.1. I've done my best to address the hundreds of bugs reported. Recent playtests have gone fairly well, but I'm sure several remain unfixed despite my efforts.
Download: Dropbox, Mega. Previous saves will not work.
Hotfix includes patches for most reported issues thus far, including the glory hole cash bug. If you have not started a new game with a fresh download, please do not report bugs.
0.6.2 Changelog
Major additions:
Major additions:
- Listing a slave for sale will generate a list of interested bidders. Bids will vary in value, and accepting certain bids will produce minor mental effects on other slaves.
- Continued new game improvements, including two new PC customizations that give some choice regarding his or her backstory and skills, and a normalization function that awards one or more hardcoded slaves and/or cash at game start to reduce the impact of luck.
- Seven new quirks: slaves can now be devout, liberated, gluttonous, repressed, shamefast, sexually idealistic, or sexually apathetic; these new quirks fit into the existing quirk system but all offer some unique behaviors as well.
- The generic health impacts of most drugs have been replaced with a hidden system that tracks the long-term health impacts of using powerful drugs and can appear with a vengeance after long-term drug or hormone use. Going drug-free will slowly reverse the systemic effects of heavy pharmaceutical use. Youth and good health can reduce but will not eliminate these effects. Curatives are not exempt: they certainly cure immediate ills, but medication that powerful has side effects. Preventatives will not cause further drug damage but will also prevent effect reversal.
- Three random events for fucktoys; master suite slaves are also eligible.
- Two random events for rapey slaves enjoying rules that permit their little proclivities.
- Random event in which your concubine can be allowed to go on an old world talk show without your supervision; she'll affect your reputation positively or negatively with a series of skill and attribute checks.
- Five random events, one for each slave school, that offer the opportunity to improve the schools' approaches to slave training by endowing support for the new direction. Purchasing more slaves from each school increases the likelihood of that school's endowment event appearing.
- Interactions between fetishes, quirks, and extremes of devotion and trust have been reworked and extended: quirks will appear more logically and more often, but will also naturally resolve themselves more frequently.
- Severely reduced the likelihood of generic recruitment events to prevent reputable arcology owners from drowning in them.
- Better autosurgery settings.
- Midsection descriptions; these are derived from numerous other stats, with weight and musculature most important.
- Kitchen upgrade that forces slaves to suck off food-ejaculating dispenser phalli in order to eat. Many slaves will resent this, but it can cure slaves of oral reluctance and eventually inspire oral fetishes.
- Upgrade to administer appropriate drugs via sodomy by a pharmaceutical-ejaculating fuckmachine. As with the food-ejaculating phalli, this has various mental effects. Will not be applied to anal virgins.
- New universal rule that defines whether slaves are required to get consent before boning other slaves. Declaring open season will generally please devoted slaves and terrify unbroken ones, whereas requiring consent will build trust.
- Removed the sapphic rule, since it conflicts with the universal consent rule. An effect similar to the old sapphic rule can be achieved with restrictive masturbation rules and no consent requirement.
- Added many more circumstances in which unknown fetishes can be discovered organically; for example, training that involves repeated oral sex may reveal cumsluts.
- Listing a slave for sale now requires a listing fee, to prevent abuse of the new slave sale options.
- Huge plugs and dildoes now slightly increase fear in slaves with tight holes.
- Reworked hair mechanics and descriptions.
- Short shoe descriptions for more than 100 possible combinations of shoes and clothes.
- Short hair descriptions for more than 100 possible combinations of hair and clothes.
- Obedience requirements for admission to the Servants' Quarters reduced.
- New choices for old events, including some based on player suggestions.
- Many new or refined descriptions for niche combinations of physical attributes.
- Continued revisions of old content to better reflect PC attributes.
- Numerous code revisions for better performance.
- Migrated to the latest versions of Twine (2.0.11) and Sugarcube 2 (2.3.1); both updates mostly patch bugs.
- Bugfixes.