This update is very short on gameplay content, but I have two mitigations to offer. First of all, 0.9.7 saves are compatible with this update, so there's no need to start a new game or use New Game Plus if you're in the middle of a playthrough. Second, and much more importantly, this update incorporates FC's second image option, vector art by NovX. It's very different from Shokushu's rendered imagepack; it uses a paper doll approach to build slaves on the fly. It's presented here as a prototype for testing and feedback, not a final version. Since it's a work in progress, it's safe to hold off on suggesting more accessories and body parts for a while.
For the forseeable future, FC will support both art options, and it remains unnecessary to have files associated with any image option the player isn't using. I enjoy playing with both options; I find the style of Shokushu's renders appealing, and I'm excited by the potential of the mutability of NoX's approach. Shokushu has also supplied a set of seven new rendered images for the personal assistant's avatar.
This update also makes it possible to remove Fuckdolls from their suits and return them to normal sex slave status. I wouldn't mention such a trivial addition, except that many players requested this option in such a way that made it clear they thought I'd left it out intentionally. Nothing of the kind; I simply didn't get it written in time for 0.9.7. Unless I've explicitly stated here or in-game that an option isn't happening, it's on the table.
Saves from versions before 0.9.7 are incompatible, but 0.6+ saves are eligible for New Game Plus. Latest hotfix is (1500 February 14), save compatible. download without art: Mega.
0.9.8 download with all art options: Mega.
0.9.8 download with vector art only: Mega.
Please update to the latest version by placing it in the game directory. fixes
- The vector art option does not support Firefox.
- Automatically generated degrading names will now give Fuckdolls a Fuckdoll designation.
- Removed several options and descriptors that are nonsensical for Fuckdolls.
- Enabled the Salon and Body Mod Studio for Fuckdolls, along with relevant Rules Assistant functions.
0.9.8 changelog
Art options
- Added support for a vector art option, by NovX.
- Added rendered personal assistant avatar images, by Shokushu.
- Provided limited options to disable image display for some passages.
- Individual event for devoted slaves with lots of pussyjuice.
- Individual event for slavegirls with dicks who aren't used to slavery yet.
- Individual event for slaves who think their tits are heavy enough without further expansion.
- Fuckdolls can now be extracted from their suits, though they will retain severe mental damage.
- Added more mental effects to the Fuckdoll training process, mostly to support the potential for extraction and rehabilitation.
- Bugfixes.