Saturday, September 12, 2015


I've reached the point where I'm not sure where to go, other than to keep playtesting and fixing bugs. So, here it is: an alpha build.

That means the game is missing content, is full of bugs, is imbalanced, and is generally in an incomplete state. If your interest in this is as a fun little text-based h-game, I strongly recommend you come back later, because it isn't there yet. This is the first time I've ever made a game or made one publicly available, and I'm at a point where I could use feedback, not at a point where I'm pleased with the result.

I'm not posting the fact that this is available elsewhere. There's enough views coming in via the /d/ games general pastebin that I hope to get enough feedback without doing so.

One category of feedback that is less useful is complaint about the interface. Twine 2 and Sugarcube aren't particularly well suited to this game, at least in novice hands like mine. I can make small improvements, but the UI will not be completely overhauled.

Download: Mega (outdated, find the latest version under Alpha in the sidebar). Leave feedback in the comments below, please.

Known bugs:
  • The latest version of Chrome doesn't like the story format I'm using. Until the format author fixes the issue, use another browser to open the .html.
  • Saving the game and then using the enter key to advance play without any intervening user input will both reopen the save interface and advance play. To avoid this, click inside the game window after saving.
  • Grammar in some areas is poor, because changing the code frequently damages the syntax the player sees. Grammatical errors will persist until beta at least and I don't need to hear about them.
  • There are currently options for no-dick, all-dick, and rare-dick slave content. Many random events are not limited by either extreme option at present.
  • Hard-coded slaves from the thread on /d/ are imperfectly statted. Rather than redo all 100+ slaves every time I change something, they're going to stay as-is until all major content is complete.
  • The game is slow, especially handling random events; I'm working on this.