Saturday, November 7, 2015

ALPHA 0.4.2

Don't get too excited by the long changelog. The new relationships are the most complex thing I've coded yet, so they're going to take a lot of ongoing work. It still feels like relationships happen way too fast, but I'll bring the rate down as they get more playtesting.

This update is also another good illustration of how things get harder as the game grows. The simple addition of miniscenes between slaves in relationships encompasses a very large number of possible combinations of circumstances. The game for example must consider that a certain slave likes it up the ass; that done, what is her girlfriend going to put up said ass, if she's even allowed to do so? As usual, let me know if absurd results appear. I'm sure I haven't considered every possibility.

The fetish previously called "bisexual" has been an ongoing fluff challenge. It was mostly written and coded before anons on /d/ convinced me to add dick content, back in August when I could assume that all slaves had been born female. Exactly what "normal sexuality" means has become very hard to puzzle out, especially since slaves can now follow their own sexual inclinations to a certain extent. No longer.

This update starts a process of rewriting and recoding this. Going forward, for simplicity, "normal sexuality" is going to refer to what Free Cities society expects from slaves - that is, a preference for male sexual partners combined and a willingness to have sex with women as well. What used to be called "bisexual" has been replaced with "likes girls," to specify that these are slaves that prefer female partners to an unusual or even exclusive degree. To support this, randomly generated XY slaves have a much higher chance of spawning with this fetish; there is also now a "hates women" quirk in addition to a "hates men" quirk to suggest slave sexualities that contrary to the "normal sexuality" expectations, aren't open to female partners. XY and XX slaves have different probabilities of appearing with these quirks, to suggest statistical realities that Free Cities society is trying so very hard to beat out of its slaves. This also allows all sorts of interesting little details. For example, being a subordinate slave to a slave whose equipment challenges one of these quirks can convince an obedient or better slave to give up her quirk; also, slave friendships are less likely to become sexual between slaves with distaste for each others' bits.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work.
Tip jar: Patreon.

0.4.2 Changelog:
  • The rules assistant can now apply tattoos and piercings; it only does so for slaves at Obedient or better for now, to avoid messy mental impact code.
  • Slaves who are confined will not form relationships with other slaves who are confined, since they're confined.
  • Slaves in a facility can form relationships with slaves leading that facility.
  • Unattached slaves who share fetishes may skip directly to FWB status.
  • New miniscenes visible from the main menu. If a slave is in a relationship, you may see the two slaves spending some time together.
  • Slaves in sexual relationships can now communicate fetishes to one another, with the chance increasing the closer the relationship.
  • One new random event for lonely bodyguards.
  • One new nonrandom event at Week 43 involving shoddily manufactured curatives.
  • Many new hardcoded slaves.
  • Partial rewrite and recode of the fetish that used to be identified as "bisexual," which will generally be replaced by the term "likes girls."
  • New quirk for slaves that dislike having sex with women.
  • Shock collars can now break rebellious slaves very effectively, but can also produce negative quirks.
  • The rules assistant will now try to put a little muscle tone on girls in danger penalties from discomfort due to big tits.
  • Bugfixes.