Tuesday, November 10, 2015

ALPHA 0.4.3

0.4.2 was, charitably, a mess. At one point I was working towards a patch, but with some hours of playtesting needed anyway, I ditched the idea in favor of a standard update with more bugfixing than usual. Thanks to everyone who reported bugs, and especially to several brave souls who dove into the html and emailed me specific findings. The unfortunate reality is that 0.4.2 was bad enough that I'm sure some fixes actually uncovered or created other bugs, so the relationship system is likely to be unreliable here as well.

This patch moves a lot of old content around to make it a bit more usable and natural. Most significantly, the old "plugs" and "chastity belt" clothes options are gone, and have been replaced by anal and (for appropriate slaves) vaginal accessory options. Plugs training skills was never satisfactory, so the two sizes of plugs now available have different, minor effects. Standard plugs can remove the relevant sexual quirk, while large plugs can help break down resistance. Standard plugs also serve as a plug option that doesn't stretch orifices quite so much. This has in effect removed the inward-facing dildo gag from the game, being the only part of the old plugs outfit that the accessories can't do. This had to happen anyway  for now, because gagged slaves shouldn't be speaking.

To address some feedback about how random events can get drowned out when only a few slaves qualify for them, there's a new option on the start screen that equalizes the chances of random events. With it active, all random events have the same chance of happening, so long as you have at least one slave that qualifies. It can be toggled from the arcology management screen.

It seems Twine is finally compatible with Chrome.

If you've got a unique slave you'd like to see in game, don't forget to submit her here using the easy to use in game upload system.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work. Latest hotfix at 19:20 PST.
Tip jar: Patreon.

0.4.3 Changelog:
  • New accessories slots, supporting two sizes of buttplugs, two sizes of dildoes, and chastity belts. Standard sized plugs may remove related quirks; large plugs may break resistance.
  • New clothes options, with a focus on less revealing items, including more conservative versions of the business attire and maid outfit, and a cutoffs and t-shirt ensemble.
  • Quirks revamp, with quirks now tracked as behavioral or sexual, meaning that a slave can have one of each at the same time.
  • Slaves with unpleasant behavioral quirks now have a harder time making friends, and make enemies more easily.
  • More granular stats for junk, and enhancers' chances of success now scale with size, so effective growth rate slows as size increases.
  • Overhauled genitalia descriptions.
  • Female hormones will now only reduce muscles to toned, while gelding will only reduce muscles to ripped; geldings off hormones should maintain musculature below freak beast level without trouble.
  • Surgical race alteration.
  • Several other stat changes now scale; for example, sex work now has a lower chance of affecting well used orifices.
  • Rules assistant updates to support all of the above.
  • Now possible to apply the rules assistant to individual slaves from their menus.
  • One new random event.
  • New starting option that equalizes the chances of getting each eligible random event.
  • More hardcoded slaves.
  • Bugfixes.