Sunday, December 13, 2015

ALPHA 0.5.1: "Do No Harm"

Twine and I both have some serious limitations. Twine, for its part, is not at all intended for a management simulation. Meanwhile, I am working with no previous programming experience whatever, meaning that coding decisions made early in the FC development cycle were made with a tiny fraction of the experience I have now. Between the two of us Twine and I can produce some spectacularly inefficient outcomes. Some of these are likely to be intractable given Twine and the time I have available. Others I'll address as I can. Much of my time for this update was spent removing for loops wherever possible, so it should cut down on lag, especially before events.

As FC moves towards 1.0 and really starts to stress Twine and my coding abilities, the goal is to add content that doesn't add code complexity (and thus lag). One area in which I'll specifically call for suggestions is facility upgrades. I'm pleased with how most of these play at present, since they add content without unduly bloating the code. Let me know if you have an idea for how to further refine a facility: good suggestions will be those that result in something more interesting than a simple income boost by changing something more fundamental about how the facility plays.

Another area in which feedback is useful is difficulty, since that's going to become more of a focus in upcoming versions. Playtesting for difficulty is actually quite impossible for me, since I know the code and therefore can't imitate a player who doesn't. The default settings should produce a level of difficulty that isn't too punishing, but does require that the player be awake and paying attention. Let me know.

Submission request: As posted on /d/, I could use some assistance coming up with more and better nicknames. If you've got good nickname ideas leave them in a comment here. As always I'll only add submissions I like; in particular, low-effort racial slurs are unlikely to be included since they're tawdry and boring. (Clever racial and national nicknames are fine.)

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work. If you have not started a new game with a fresh 0.5.1 download, please do not report bugs.

0.5.1 Changelog

Major additions:
  • Revised event code. The most significant effect on gameplay is that the player is now eligible for more events per turn than previously: in addition to all other events, a single slave is selected at random to experience an individually focused event, each turn; the game then selects from events for which she qualifies. Slaves in facilities are not eligible for this, giving a degree of control over which slaves appear.
Minor updates:
  • Added a third living standard between spare and luxurious.
  • Increased expense of the luxurious living standard.
  • Added penalties for recruiters and head girls not on luxurious living standards, and applied luxurious living standards to all facility leadership positions.
  • New event for slaves who are not yet broken by the arcade. It is somewhat unkind.
  • One new event for each of the facility heads, for six in total. These events require some of each position's specific stat bonuses to be fulfilled: for example, milkmaids must be healthy and muscular to be eligible for theirs.
  • New prestige event for slaves being cockmilked, very similar to the prestigious cow event.
  • Reduced glory hole income, including for slaves in the arcade; reduced impact of the arcade upgrade; increased cost to build, expand and upgrade the arcade; added minor reputation penalties for having slaves in the arcade.
  • New nonrandom event featuring the nurse that appears in one of the refugee event options, by popular request.
  • Selling slaves in relationships will affect the unsold partner.
  • Quick review of hardcoded slaves to add education and intelligence; their creators are encouraged to correct mistakes there.
  • Spread eight more turns out among preexisting plot events, which are now spaced out until week 60.
  • Bugfixes.