Tuesday, December 15, 2015

ALPHA 0.5.2: "Brave New World"

Updates get titles now; I retroactively titled 0.5.0 “Hell Unending” and 0.5.1 “Do No Harm.” If you played those versions, you know why.

Much of FC's development has been a give-and-take between my vision of the FC world, and the worlds playtesters have been building with FC. Nothing makes me happier as an author than to see players engaging with the game, so I try to support that when I can. I've seen some great comments describing the brave new worlds players are building, so this update is designed to reward that. Choices range from the radical, like lionization of slave pregnancy, to the traditional, like the institutionalization of race relations. (These can be customized, but the default settings are continent-specific.) At present, the benefits of building an advanced slave society are limited to reputation boosts for owning slaves that comport with the society's mores, but that will change with future updates.

If you have a vision for your arcology's society that the societal models included with this update don't support, let me know. If it's reasonably consistent with the FC world, I'll add it.

I am very aware of the exploit that involves repeatedly visiting the slave description from within an event passage to repeatedly get the benefits of the event. I do intend to fix it, but I'm looking at doing so by radically improving the way slave descriptions are displayed. Until then the exploit will remain as is; the usual admonitions about the it being up to the player to define cheating in a single player game apply.

Download: DropboxMegaPrevious saves will not work. If you have not started a new game with a fresh download, please do not report bugs. Latest hotfix at 18:30 PST.

0.5.2 Changelog

Major additions:
  • Ability to shape the future of society. An event will appear partway through the game when the player reaches a basic level of reputation that unlocks the ability to start influencing the arcology society. 
Minor updates:
  • Personal attention now prevents devotion loss due to intelligence, to encourage tactical use of PA.
  • Two new slave induction options: first aid and impregnation.
  • Added future society advancement to slave induction options that fit.
  • New encyclopedia entry on future societies.
  • The game now checks the player's cash for the indebted game over only once per turn (on the economy screen), and should now give a one turn grace period.
  • Reduced reputation penalties from the arcade.
  • Various description and UI improvements.
  • More nicknames.
  • Bugfixes.