Monday, May 23, 2016

ALPHA 0.7.1: Soap Opera

I've gotten a couple of interesting comments offering perspectives on what's going on inside devoted slaves' heads. I've done my best to leave this ambiguous in game, and it will stay that way. Are devoted, loving slaves honestly in love with the player character, having accepted a place in a slaveowning society? Or are they cases of Stockholm Syndrome, their minds taking the easy way out by accepting the delusion of love? Or, more disturbingly still, is the player character fooling him or herself about their feelings, which are actually an act? I don't know.

If you can think of a single sentence slice of life for one of your slaves, submit it as a vignette. The prototype vignette system added with 0.7 can add flavor to the game, but only if it's populated with a lot of possibilities.

Download: DropboxMegaSaves from previous versions are incompatible, but 0.7+ saves are eligible for New Game Plus. Latest hotfix ( up at 2015 PST. Save compatible. Fixes Dairy error, locks out school promotions at very low reputation, and patches inferior prestige overwriting.

0.7.1 Changelog

Head Girl Suite changes
  • Added permission toggles for surgical, growth hormone, and hormonal modification of the Head Girl suite slave by the Head Girl.
  • Head Girls will receive a reduction to Devotion bonuses from having a suite girl for each modification method they are forbidden to use.
  • Alternatively, the Head Girl and her slave can be declared equals: no modification will happen, and if both are Devoted, they will switch places weekly.
Slave School development
  • Significantly increased the likelihood of a slave school the player patronizes offering its endowment event.
  • Slave schools can offer to move a branch campus into the arcology after the player endows them. They will ask for reduced rent, causing a ¤1000 increase in weekly upkeep.
  • The presence of a Slave School branch campus will improve the local economy, providing the same impact as the standard prosperity subsidy.
  • Further subsidies can be provided, enhancing the branch campus. A perfected branch campus will provide a small but reliable and free reputation bonus.
  • Alternatively, branch campuses can be covertly undermined, causing an event in which the branch campus closes and gives the player slaves as payment of back rent.
  • Undermining a branch campus will convince an institution that placing another branch campus in the arcology would be a bad idea, locking out that option.
  • Slave schools that the player has never patronized may offer the player a huge discount on a single slave during the next week as a promotion.
  • Added player character titles for hosting and perfecting branch campuses.
Event updates
  • Revised the personal assistant's development events, and made the smart piercing improvement automatic for unshackled assistants.
  • The slave school developments are cemented during events, with a total of 18 new events available to advance them. Customized personal assistants make rude comments in many of them.
  • Added a special event for Futanari Sisters forced into slavery through manipulation by the PC, including one of the game's more pointlessly cruel event options.
  • Generic event for devoted slaves assigned to share a bed with the PC.
Industrial Dairy changes
  • Added an event in which the personal assistant will suggest that an industrialized Dairy permanently integrate optimized cows.
  • Integrated cows will be redesignated as equipment and permanently removed from the slave list.
  • The integration option can be toggled from the Dairy menu once announced.
  • The Milkmaid position is now incompatible with an industrialized Dairy, since the machines do almost everything a Milkmaid is described as doing.
Other updates
  • Slaves who find large dicks appealing can experience hole loosening if given access to interslave sex with well endowed slaves.
  • Nymphomania will now override some obedience checks on sexual assignments.
  • Exempting a slave from the Rules Assistant will now exempt her from the Autosurgery as well.
  • Transformation Fetishist societies now consider disporportionately large asses attractive.
  • Bugfixes.