Monday, May 23, 2016

Vignette Submissions

Update 0.7 added a prototype vignette system to the whoring assignment. I would like to extend this system to cover the other assignments, but for it to stay fresh and interesting, each assignment needs hundreds of possible vignettes. So, I need your help coming up with slices of life for the following assignments:
  • Whoring: being a street prostitute.
  • Public service: having sex with citizens for free.
  • Working a glory hole: being restrained for public use.
  • Getting milked: giving milk (or semen) on a free-range basis, only using the machines when full.
  • Taking classes: learning the basics of slave life, mostly by video.
  • Resting: looking after her own physical and mental health.
  • Pleasing you: serving as the PC's fucktoy.
  • Serving as a subordinate sex slave: getting other slaves off.
  • Serving as a subordinate servant: cleaning up around the arcology.
  • Staying confined: being locked up in a cell.
  • Being your Bodyguard
  • Being the Head Girl
In order to add a vignette to the game, here's what I need: which assignment it's for, what qualities a slave needs to experience it, what happens, and what its effects are. Also, the idea needs to fit within the game's existing content. If I have to add major body mods to make the vignette work, it can't go in. As an example:
This week, she got repeat business from a customer who loves well-preserved asian ladies, making you an extra ¤20.
To contribute this vignette, I'd submit:
Asian ethnicity, older, pretty face 
"she got repeat business business from a customer who loves well-preserved Asian ladies," 
+ Cash
The "This week," or similar, at the start of the sentence and the description of the vignette's effects at the end are created by the code; don't worry about them. The text of the vignettes needs to follow "This week," or a similar phrase, and end in a comma. You can include as many necessary qualities as you like, or none at all: the system needs a mix of generic vignettes that could happen to anyone, and specific vignettes that fit special slaves.

It's important to keep in mind that the vignette system is supposed to show little slices of our slaves' lives, not present major events that demand the player's attention. If your idea includes any of these factors, it's probably too significant for a vignette, and should be an event instead:
  • Involves more than one slave.
  • Improves a slave's skills.
  • Has a permanent physical effect.
  • Has multiple major effects.
Vignettes can only have a single significant effect, which can be positive or negative. These are the supported effects as of 0.7.5, though this may be expanded in future versions:
  • PC's money
  • PC's reputation
  • Health
  • Devotion
  • Trust
You can submit vignettes by email or by commenting here.