Tuesday, September 22, 2015

ALPHA v. 0.2

Assigning version numbers to a project like this is arbitrary, but I dumped enough time into this in the past 24 hours that between 0.1.09 and today's additions, Free Cities deserves to move up to 0.2.

Though it should look virtually the same from the player's perspective, the random event system has been heavily recoded. Several perceptive commenters discerned that only the last slave in the master list eligible for any given event was experiencing that event: this was a consequence of my crude code. This has been fixed, and in fixing it I also changed the event selection code so that having more eligible slaves boosts the chances of seeing an event. My solution to these problems is inelegant but one of the advantages to learning code today is that modern computers allow the novice coder to apply brute force without much of a noticeable effect. The new system will also allow me to tweak how often each event pops.

Of course, this means that many recent event bugs have probably been replaced by new ones. My thanks to everyone who has reported the old and will report the new.

Download: Mega.
Tip jar: Patreon.

v. 0.2 Patch Notes:
  • Recoding of the random eventsystem. If you have more slaves eligible for an event, you'll see it more.
  • New service assignment at which a resistant or better slave will be available for other slaves to order around. Generally, this increases both parties' obedience. The end week report for this assignment includes descriptions of the racial makeup of the situation if the player so chooses.
  • Race display option at game start that will stop the game giving slaves racially based nicknames and remove other racial content such as the above.
  • The brothel, which previously used the independent work code, now uses the whoring code. Practically, this means it produces no reputation, but more money.
  • New promenade upgrade that allows slaves to work the arcology's promenade as public servants; this is a reputation counterpart to the brothel.
  • Change to personal attention: if the PC is not giving any slave his personal attention, he will spend the free time making money: cash will start earning interest at 1000, not 10000. I did not like having nothing whatever for the PC to do other than mind a slave.
  • Reduced chance of receiving no end week random event to near-zero.
  • Various ease of use improvements; for example, personal attention menu will now suggest fixing quirks and exploring sexuality when relevant.
  • New events.
  • Bugfixes.